Hey guys!
Today I decided to talk more about some albums that really shaped me and my music. And what better album to start with, but the one that brought me and my former band members Rui, Eduardo and Ricardo together. It was actually a Christmas gift that I requested from my family, and they fulfilled it!
American Idiot by Green Day is a musical journey, that floats between Pop-Rock and Punk-Rock, with a loud and aggressive mix, but so pleasing that you’ll want to turn up the volume. I must confess I didn’t know Green Day before this album, but I immediately took care of that by purchasing the previous albums.
Highlights for me: Jesus Of Suburbia, Green Day’s answer to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, Give Me Novacaine, my absolute favorite; Whatsername is super addictive; Boulevard Of Broken Dreams is one of those songs you can’t get enough of; but overall there are no bad songs here.
Let downs: after discovering their previous albums, I did feel like American Idiot was somehow more commercial or mainstream. I end up listening to their previous albums a lot more than American Idiot (and I still do). What do you think? 🤔